Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Running Around Like a Chicken With Their Head Cut Off..Or Not

I have cooked more in the last month and a half than I probably have the majority of my adult life. So when I was getting stuff ready to make this awesomely easy crock pot chicken recipe just a bit ago for a later dinner tonight, I thought "I'll be done in no time!".  

Ummm...Yeah... so I've been venturing to the Asian markets in the neighborhood and am finding all sorts of goodies to try. Those that know me well know what a huge feat this is for my picky palate. Well I bought a whole chicken yesterday at a new market, which I have done before (but not at that particular market). I thawed out the chicken this morning, and went to open it up and prepare it only to find..(I gulp hard and try not to hurl as I write this)...THE HEAD WAS STILL ATTACHED! (Along with other various odds and ends including a feather or two.) I screamed, dropped it back in the bag in the sink and tried valiantly to screw up my courage to deal with the headed poultry oddly staring at me. Sadly, I admit I could not. I texted the roomie and said we would not be eating said fowl this evening.

Not wanting to be wasteful, I debated how to remove the offending bird and return it to the freezer/fridge/anywhere but in front of me. Finally I came up with a plan. I saw the neighbor kid who mows the grass and such for the property and asked him if he could help me. He said yes, and I told him he couldn't laugh until after he left my house. After staring for a moment, he got all serious and said "Yes Ma'm". I hate that phrase. I'm determined not to be old enough to be called that yet...Ma'm is my mother, and grandmother, not me! So I brought the young lad into the house and showed him the crime scene that was my sink. He snorted, choked down the giggle and proceeded to wash his hands in the other sink and deal with the dead offender. He thinks I didn't hear him as he quietly whispered "Brawk Brawk" under his breath as he returned the headed chicken to the fridge. Little smart ass, I like his style *LOL*.

Soooo...back to the store I go. I think I'll be safe and do some good old white girl boneless, skinless, chicken breasts from Ralph's. Bon Appétit!

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